Late night.. Can’t sleep, writing more about Dog Exercise~
- Posted by puppy love on April 23rd, 2008 filed in
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Hey all!
So it’s me again, I cannot seem to sleep! This darn flu is driving me up the wall and bonkers head over heels!
So.. I was lying in bed thinking.. dog exercise huh? What can be more interesting than watching your dog play right? Well, I thought of some new and cool ideas, well cool to me, but maybe not so cool to you, BUT HOPEFULLY cool enough! 🙂
I found some clips on my cool ideas.. I guess I’m not the only one thinking of ideas on how your doggy can get more exercise in their diet.
Doggy paddling anyone? If your dog isn’t scared of water and you have a nice big pool to share with your pup, here is a cool clip!
I showed you two different ways to exercise your dog right? Well here is a way NOT to exercise your dog, unless you’re trying to “mentally” exercise him which is not as good for his health, they much rather have physical exercise.
This is a NO…
This one is an exercise that doesn’t have too much running at all, but is physical and mentally good for your dogs health.
Last but not least, one more indoor dog exercise clip:
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